
In response to God’s love for us, we worship God.  

As Anglicans, our worship is guided by the Book of Common Prayer. Our traditions of common prayer go back through more than five hundred years to the time of the reformation in England. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, a prayerbook was developed that enabled a “middle way” between the Catholic and Protestant traditions. We use the successor of that prayerbook today. As a result we often discover that people raised in both Catholic and Protestant churches feel welcome and included here. This was the intent of our founders and we are glad to carry it forward. We also are honored to welcome those who were raised in other faith traditions or no faith tradition.

Sunday morning worship often includes communion, which we call “Holy Eucharist.” The word “eucharist” means thanksgiving. As we take communion, we give thanks to God for the gift of life and for becoming one with Christ through God’s grace and mercy. Communion nourishes us to continue to grow in Christ as we receive his presence in the bread and wine.

All persons who have been baptized, and are therefore part of the extended family that is the Church, are welcome to receive the bread and wine during Holy Communion, and be in communion with God and each other.  There is no one who is ineligible or otherwise unwelcome to celebrate with us, no one who is too old or too young, no one who has too many doubts or too few beliefs. Our altar is the table of our loving God, a table that is set to feed all creation through the love of Jesus Christ.

Children are welcome in worship with their families.  Children are brought by grandparents, parents, and friends.  We encourage worshipers with children to sit up close so children can see and follow along with the service.

Members of our congregation believe that music is an important part of praising God.  We are blessed with a part-time organist and some capable parishioners.  We are praying for singers, pianists, and organists to grow with us as we would love to expand our worship music capabilities.