
Holy Scripture has been handed down from generation to generation over centuries for good reasons. It contains wisdom about the way human beings experience God, and how God would have us live.

In the Episcopal Church, we see the Bible as “containing all things necessary to salvation” and we engage it fully by fearlessly asking questions about the historical context in which it was originally written, the purpose of each author, and what it means to us today.

Our worship services include a lot of the Bible. We pray the psalms whenever we gather for worship. We always read the Bible, in a translation that scholars say is the most true to the original text. Sermons are focused on what we can learn from Holy Scripture today to shape our lives. We learn about the historical context of Holy Scripture so we can understand the experience of those who originally wrote it down.

Understanding and learning from the Bible is the work of a lifetime, and it’s an incredibly rewarding way to spend time. Whether in worship, Bible study, or at home with your families, we encourage the reading of Holy Scripture with full attention to the way it reveals God to us and the foibles of humanity.