Visit Us

Welcome–we love to have visitors!  We want you to feel comfortable at Holy Spirit Episcopal Church.  Here is some basic information:

What time is the service?  Sunday morning at 10 am. Beginning in May 2021, our schedule will include indoors in-person, outdoors, and online options.

How long is the service?  About an hour.

What should I wear?  We do not have a dress code.  You’ll see a wide variety of clothing choices in our church.

What happens during the service?  When you enter the sanctuary you will be handed the day’s bulletin, which details each step of the service; a Book of Common Prayer; and a hymnal.  Nobody will mind if you don’t know when to stand, sit, or sing.

Do I have to give a donation?  No. The ushers will take up an offering during the service, but that is not a request for money. Our regular attendees see this act of giving back to God as worship.  If you feel moved to donate, we thank you.

Can I participate in Communion?  Communion is open to all baptized people; you don’t have to be a member of our church, or even to be an Episcopalian.  Approach the altar and the priest to receive communion, placing one hand over the other to receive the bread in your open palm, then lift it to your mouth.  Step to the side and take the chalice of wine by the base and guide it to your lips.  Holy Eucharist is offered on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month.  At this time during the pandemic, our diocese has directed that Holy Communion be administered to the laity in bread only.

Is the building accessible?  Yes!  There are marked accessible parking spaces near the sanctuary door (the front door marked “Welcome”) and also near the parish hall door in the rear.  In the front, to avoid the steps, there is a level walkway just to the right of the parking space.  Most of our interior space is on one level and is accessible, and we have a separate accessible unisex bathroom.

We warmly invite you to join us for coffee hour and fellowship after the service. Welcome!