Other Outreach

Holy Spirit Episcopal Church is committed to reaching out in service to our neighbors and friends in the community:


Our church is blessed with many active women who make up our Episcopal Church Women (ECW) group.  The purpose of the National Episcopal Church Women is to empower the women of The Episcopal Church to carry out Christ’s work throughout the world.

Our own ECW group functions as a social group and service organization supporting parish life and the community. ECW hosts two major fundraising projects annually, a Second Best Sale in August and Christmas Delites & Cookie Walk in November.  Money raised funds church kitchen supplies and building improvements, as well as our group’s financial support of the Explore & Soar Reading Club and a number of other local non-profit organizations.  ECW also helps pay for parish children to attend the Diocese’s Episcopal Youth Camp.  ECW members give their time by serving funeral lunches, providing support for weddings, baptisms and funerals, and volunteering in a variety of necessary tasks.  Holy Spirit’s ECW supports the Diocesan ECW, both financially and by providing at least one Diocesan board member.

ECW meetings are open always to all women in the church.  Welcome!


For a number of years our parishioners have planted and maintained a vegetable garden on the church property.  Vegetables harvested from the garden are donated to the community through our Food Pantry.


Our congregation has “adopted” a road in our neighborhood: a one-mile stretch of Pine Island Drive running south from Post Drive to Hayes Road. Volunteers pick up trash and debris 2-3 times a year, in April, July and September; see the Calendar for exact dates.

The Little Free Library is a “take a book, return a book” free book exchange.  Stop on by!  Because KDL branches and many school libraries are closed to in-person visits as a result of the pandemic, beginning in November, 2020 and for the next few months our library will be filled solely with children’s books. Our goal is to restock it once a month. Follow the church’s Facebook page to learn when that happens.