

We encourage congregation members to make an annual pledge.  Why make an annual pledge?  From The Episcopal Church’s website:   “A commitment to give one’s time, talents, and money as an expression of faith and a personal response to God’s generosity. Parish members are encouraged to make an annual stewardship pledge. This pledge represents their specific Christian commitment to “work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God” (BCP, p. 856) . . . A pledge is a statement of intent, not a legal obligation. It can be changed at any time.”

Pledge forms can be obtained from the church office.  Pledges can be paid by cash, check, Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments (click HERE for the ACH form), or electronic bill pay directly from your bank account.  Please contact church Treasurer Michael Hirt with questions.


We welcome donations of all sizes!  Gifts can be made via check payable to Holy Spirit Episcopal Church and mailed to the church office; via electronic bill pay directly from your bank account;  or via PayPal using a major credit card or a PayPal account.  To use a credit card or PayPal, please click on the Donate button, below:

All or part of your gift may be tax-deductible as a charitable contribution (please check with your tax adviser).


Who knew that fundraising could be painless?  These online shopping programs credit a portion of purchases to our church’s ministries, easily and at no extra cost to the shopper:  Two ways, at no cost to you:  Shop through the link below, and a portion of the purchase price will be donated to Holy Spirit.  Or join AmazonSmile, select Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, Belmont, MI as your charity and link it to your account to have a portion of your purchases credited to the church.  Visit AmazonSmile by clicking HERE to get started. Shop online and a percentage of each purchase will be donated to Holy Spirit.  More than 2,000 stores participate, and special coupons and discounts often are offered.  Visit GoodShop’s website at and under the “How it works” menu, select “Support a cause.”  Type in Holy Spirit Episcopal Church – Belmont, click on the link that appearsand you are ready to shop. Note that it is not necessary to create an account to shop through, although individual retailers may require it.