Christian Education

At this time our Children’s Ministry and Nursery care are on hold and are not available.  We suggest visiting Faith at Home for in-home resources.

Children’s Ministry

Children will come to embrace God’s love, and learn to follow the examples of Jesus’s life and teachings, through lively conversation, stories from the Bible, crafts and interactive play.

Sunday School is offered weekly throughout the school year during the worship service for those in preschool through 3rd grade.  The children can expect to see the same familiar faces every week as they grow a friendship with the teachers.  Most weeks the lessons are based on the same lectionary readings being presented to the adults in church, so parents will have insight into what their child is learning in Sunday School.

Sunday school dismisses 15 minutes prior to the end of the service so that children can join their families for communion.

Nursery care is also available for infants and toddlers by request.  When you arrive on Sunday, please tell the Greeters of your interest in either program, and they will be happy to assist and guide you to the proper rooms.

Adult ministry

At this time Kernels of Truth is on hold and is not available.

Year round, adults meet on Sunday mornings at 9 am for adult education gatherings, reverently referred to as Kernels of Truth. These are very inspiring sessions with plenty of thought-provoking ideas. The discussions of each topic are times of great spiritual nurture and growth for all who attend.  All welcome.