Family Promise Partnership

When north Kent County families are struggling due to poverty and temporary homelessness, Holy Spirit cares. We partner with Zion Lutheran Church, Hope Lutheran Church, and Peace Lutheran Church in north Kent County as a support congregation for Family Promise.

Family Promise is a national non-profit that networks and resources congregations to provide hospitality to homeless families and keep them together in a time of crisis. Our four churches partner to host families in transition. Families are housed at Peace Lutheran in Sparta. Holy Spirit is a support congregation providing meals, caring presence, and supportive work for this program.

The overall goal and purpose of Family Promise is to provide children and their families with shelter, basic needs and assistance as they seek permanent housing. Family Promise is unique in that it does not split up families during their crisis. Dads and boys over the age of 10 are allowed to remain with their families, keeping the family unit strong. 90% of families served find a new home and 85% are still housed two years later.

In October 2019, our four congregations cooperated in providing the very first Family Promise program in north Kent County. We worked together to get all the supplies and volunteers needed to pull this off!

Members of Holy Spirit are invited to join this ministry. To volunteer, please contact the church office.

All hosting volunteers are required to have a criminal background check. After you sign up, but before you serve, you will be required to fill out information for a background check. This is to ensure the safety of the children and families in this program.